Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Before contacting us, please check the following:
If there is not, then it means you have exceeded your monthly allowance. You will need to contact us so we can top up for you but this will incur an additional charge which will be split between all residents.
If after all of these have been checked and the issue is not resolved, please contact us.
Unplug the router and modem's power cords from the power outlet for 15 seconds. Plug the power cords back in. Check that all cords and cables are secure at both ends. Wait a few minutes, until the lights on the modem and router are working right
(Check the device manual or manufacturer's support site).
If after all of these have been checked and the issue is not resolved, please contact us.
You will firstly need to try turning the boiler off and back on. And also check the smart meter monitor to see if there is enough credit on gas.
If there is not, then it means you have exceeded your monthly allowance. You will need to contact us so we can top up for you but this will incur an additional charge which will be split between all residents.
Please also check for any error codes. If there are then please contact us for further advice.
If the pressure is low, you can contact us and we will send you a video on how to fix this.
If after all of these have been check and the issue is not resolved, please contact us.
If there is water leaking in the property, this is an emergency and you must contact us immediately by phone.
You will have to identify the source if possible.
If the water is coming from inside the property, you will need to turn off the main water supply off. Mop and clear as much as water as you can to prevent further damage to property and belongings. Take a recording of whether the water is leaking from and send to an agent.
If the water is coming from another property into your property, please record a video and take images and send this to one of our agents.
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